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About Me

As a graduating computer science student at the University of Maine, I have a strong background in cybersecurity and cloud operations through my internship at CyberArk and leading the University of Maine Cybersecurity Team. I am seeking full time employment in Security, Cloud, DevOps, or IT Infrastructure positions.

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CyberArk Cloud Security Engineering Intern - August 2023 - Present

General Dynamics Electric Boat Systems Engineering Intern - June 2023 - July 2023

US Federal Government Cybersecurity Intern - May 2022 - August 2022

Research & Associations

Privacy Engineering Regulatory Compliance Lab Research Assistant - January 2023 - Present

VEMI LAB Research Assistant - May 2022 - May 2023

University of Maine Cybersecurity Team President, Member - September 2020 - September 2022

Scalable & Portable Infrastructure for Cybersecurity Education Research Assistant - May 2021 - May 2022


AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - December 2023


Evaluating Privacy Questions from Stack Overflow: Can ChatGPT Compete? - ieee 2023 - read here


During my internship at CyberArk, I gained hands-on experience as a cloud security engineer intern. I am one of two security champions on a DevOps team and have developed internal tools for scanning AWS resources for compliance. I utilize Jenkins and Pulumi to build and provision resources. For the remaining three months of my internship, I will focus on managing our Jenkins platform, implementing security scanners into our pipeline, and developing our CI/CD pipeline for our FedRamp environments.

University of Maine
While at the University of Maine, I worked at the VEMI Lab and the Scalable & Portable Infrastructure for Cybersecurity Education (SPICE) lab. I am also a research assistant with the Privacy Engineering Regulatory Compliance Lab (PERC_Lab).

I am a teaching assistant for UMaine’s Introduction to Cybersecurity, which covers the nature of network and computer attacks, system vulnerabilities and defense; and implementation issues in Unix/Linux. I help students understand OWASP's top 10, MITRE’s CVEs and CWEs, and CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog.

At the SPICE lab, I had the opportunity to lead our research team in the development of cloud and physical server infrastructure. As the team moderator, I led our planning meetings and helped delegate short-term tasks. I developed our logging solution using Wazuh and the Elastic Stack technologies and automated patching and maintenance with Ansible.

To assist with our goals, I used Terraform and Docker-Compose to automate Amazon Web Services provisioning and deployment of services within containers. We utilized Docker containers to create scalable cybersecurity labs hosted for University of Maine Cybersecurity Team members.

As president of the University of Maine Cybersecurity Team, I led recruits through an ethical hacking lab and co-led Linux security, basic networking, and networking enumeration labs. I briefed members on cybersecurity current events and technologies each week and led work sessions to prepare for competitions. Notably, I captained our third-place winning team at the Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense competition.